Regulations Are Big Data.  

Navigate Them Better with Omitz

Regulations and requirements are out of control


The Problem:

Requirements are Enormous

  • Federal: The United States Code of Federal Regulations has 1.08 million regulatory restrictions found within its 188,321 pages.
  • State: Unique requirements in each and every state, from California's 396,000 unique regulatory restrictions to Idaho's 39,000, and everything in between.
  • Standard Development Organizations: There are approximately 50 independent Standard Development Organizations (SDOs) in the US, all responding to niche market demands and developing thousands of pages of unique content.

The Impacts:

Project Delays

Enormous regulatory requirements create red tape and bureaucracy, which can slow down projects and cause frustration among team members. The size of regulations alone is one of the biggest barriers of entry for companies trying to innovate in industry, and lead to projects being cancelled altogether in some cases.

Inconsistent Interpretations

It is essential for consistency in safety to develop a mutual understanding between our team and the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Inconsistent interpretation of regulations often results in conflicting opinions which can have serious consequences on both productivity and workplace safety. We must strive to identify potential discrepancies early to ensure all expectations are within an acceptable range. Working together, we can foster strong communication with the AHJ, maintain a solid understanding of regulations, and improve consistency across the board. This focus on consistency will promote efficiency, minimize accidents, and propel us toward reaching our goals.

Regulatory Changes

Staying current with regulations can be challenging, requiring significant resources needed for tracking, revision, and implementation. At times, this may require additional investment in human capital or technology tools. Due to the importance of following guidelines, it is essential that all organizations improve their change management process and stay abreast of any new changes in order to maintain compliance and avoid potential risks.

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Omit Needless Words

It's no secret that business regulations and requirements are confusing and difficult to navigate.  Companies able to streamline their requirements processes gain a critical competitive edge over those still swamped in unnecessary information.  

Omitz helps organizations distill requirements down to what's truly required – finding clarity, accuracy, and consistency within the ever-changing regulatory landscape. Find your competitive edge in clarity and efficiency by omitting irrelevant sections of regulations and requirements.

Omitz Insight Engine

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Search All Regs

  • Benefit: Consolidate all requirements in one place. 
  • Feature: Explain the benefit of your products
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Heirarchy Search

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Compile Report

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